
Baton Rouge Press Club Bylaws

Article 1: Purpose

The purpose of the Press Club of Baton Rouge, Inc., in keeping with Article III of the Articles of Incorporation of this organization, shall be generally to promote the news profession and provide opportunities for members of the press to communicate with each other, their sources and the general public.

Article II: Membership and Dues

Section 1 – Membership Classifications

Members in the Club shall be comprised of these classifications:

“A” Members: Employees of recognized news gathering organizations, including journalists and photographers; cinematographers employed by news gathering agencies as members of the professional working press; professional free lance journalists, photographers and cinematographers; and other management personnel employed by those organizations and agencies.

“B” Members: Public relations and governmental affairs practitioners employed professionally by any recognized firm, corporation, business or government agency; professional free-lance public relations practitioners; those members of the military involved full-time in public relations, public affairs, or public information.

“C” Members: Those members of the public not involved in the gathering and disseminating of news; news sources; political, civic, and business personalities.

“D” Members: Retired professionals who otherwise would have, or once did, fit into the “A,” “B,” or “C” categories of membership; and full-time students enrolled in a degree-oriented program in journalism, public relations, communications or a related field.

Section 2 – Board Makes Classification Assignments

The Board of Directors shall approve or disapprove the classification status of all new members and all transfers from one class to another.

Section 3 – Expulsion of Members

The Board of Directors may expel any member of the club by a two-thirds vote of the Board, unless overruled by the general membership, as provided for in these bylaws.

Section 4 – Annual Dues

Annual dues assessments shall be as follows:

  • “A” members: $ 30
  • “B” members: $ 75
  • “C” members: $100
  • “D” members: $ 20

Section 5 – Due Dates and Delinquencies

All membership dues become payable on the first day of January each year and become delinquent on the first day of February. All delinquent members shall be dropped from the rolls of the Press Club.

Section 6 – Dues in Advance and Prorated

All persons accepted for membership will be required to pay dues in advance. They shall be billed for a pro-rata share of the annual dues for the number of months that remain between the date of acceptance for membership and the following Jan. 1.

Article III: Government

Section 1 – Officers

The officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Vice President must be “A” members in good standing and must maintain that classification throughout their terms of office.

Section 2 – Composition of Board

The Board of Directors shall be all officers and eight directors; in addition, the Board of Directors shall include the immediate past president, who will serve ex-officio.

Section 3 – Terms of Board Members

All officers and all members of the Board of Directors shall serve one-year terms. No member of the Board of Directors shall serve more than five consecutive terms.

Section 4 – Officers Are Board Members

All Officers shall be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 5 – Board Nominations and Elections

The President shall, at a meeting of the Board of Directors in October, appoint a nominating committee of five members. This committee shall report back to the Board of Directors at its November meeting with recommendations for the next year’s slate of officers and Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall direct the Secretary to have these recommendations printed in ballot form without change. Provisions should be made on the ballot for the writing in of candidates.

Ballots prepared by the Board of Directors shall be distributed to all members by mail at least five days prior to the December election meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at the election meeting.

Votes shall be counted and election of officers certified by the Board of Directors. The membership of the Club shall be notified of the election results. New officers and board members shall take office on Jan. 1.

Section 6 – Daily Duties of the Board

The Board of Directors shall carry on the daily business of the Club, shall have the authority over committees and shall set the date and time of regular meetings.

Section 7 – Committees

The Board of Directors shall create such committees as it deems necessary. These committees shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board.

Section 8 – Duties of Officers

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall call and preside over all the meetings; execute contracts, documents and notices at the direction of the Board of Directors; and carry out all policies set by the membership.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President will assume the executive functions. In the absence of the President and Vice President, any Board Member so designated by the Board may assume the executive function.

The Treasurer shall pay all bills of the Club, collect the dues and make an annual financial report.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Board and membership.

Section 9 – Filling Board Vacancies

All vacancies on the Board occurring between elections shall be filled by a majority vote of the rest of the Board.

Section 10 – Removal of Board Members

Any Officer or Board Member may be removed at any time by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at a general membership meeting called for the purpose.

Section 11 – Board Meeting Attendance

Any member of the Board who shall be absent for three consecutive official Board meetings may be replaced by the Board for the remainder of his or her term by the election to the Board of another member of the club. For purposes of this section, “official Board meeting” shall be defined as a meeting of the full Board of Directors called by the President with advance notification of at least 48 hours.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1 – Quorums

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such times and places as the Board shall determine. Seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2 – Annual Membership Meeting

The membership shall meet at least once a year.

Section 3 – Calling a Special Meeting

Twenty-five percent of the membership by use of petition of the President may call a special meeting.

Article V: Amendments

Section 1 – Power to Change Bylaws

The Board of Directors shall have the power to make, alter and annul these laws, as it may deem proper.


Members of the Baton Rouge Press Club shall be comprised of these classifications:

“A” Members: Employees of recognized news gathering organizations, including journalists and photographers; cinematographers employed by news gathering agencies as members of the professional working press; professional free lance journalists, photographers and cinematographers; and other management personnel employed by those organizations and agencies.

“B” Members: Public relations and governmental affairs practitioners employed professionally by any recognized firm, corporation, business or government agency; professional free-lance public relations practitioners; those members of the military involved full-time in public relations, public affairs, or public information.

“C” Members: Those members of the public not involved in the gathering and disseminating of news; news sources; political, civic, and business personalities.

“D” Members: Retired professionals who otherwise would have, or once did, fit into the “A,” “B,” or “C” categories of membership; and full-time students enrolled in a degree-oriented program in journalism, public relations, communications or a related field.

The Board of Directors shall approve or disapprove the classification status of all new members and all transfers from one class to another.

Annual dues assessments shall be as follows:

  • “A” members: $ 30
  • “B” members: $ 75
  • “C” members: $100
  • “D” members: $ 20

All persons accepted for membership will be required to pay dues in advance. They shall be billed for a pro-rata share of the annual dues for the number of months that remain between the date of acceptance for membership and the following Jan. 1.

All subsequent membership dues become payable on the first day of January each year and become delinquent on the first day of February. All delinquent members shall be dropped from the rolls of the Press Club.

The Board of Directors may expel any member of the club by a two-thirds vote of the Board, unless overruled by the general membership, as provided for in these bylaws.